It was in his formative years in Long Beach, California, where Ken grew up with his feet deeply planted in the surfing culture, that he first learned to express his art talent. Caught up… |
Chris Bolden has been painting since 1990. Graduating from Pasadena Art Center College of Design in 1997 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration, he immediately… |
Accomplished in a wide variety of media, Alan Casagrande has been creating art for over thirty years now. A degree from the Hollywood Art Center in the early Eighties capped Alan’s formal art education… |
Ron's artistic history began in the 1970's with a unique surrealistic style reflecting the tumultuous events of current society. As time progressed and after numerous showings in prominent galleries… |
Norm was born and raised in San Diego, California. As a third-generation San Diegan, he took to all manner of water sports at an early age but settled with surfing in the early Seventies… |
Growing up on O’ahu’s North Shore, Ea Eckerman’s artwork has always been influenced by nature and a love for the ocean. From doodling waves at Sunset Beach Elementary to completing... |
The integral nature of surfing and creativity, for Meegan Feori, stems from her father, who introduced her to the ocean, and her mother, who encouraged her to create. As surfing… |
A former international fashion model, Robb Havassy began his formal painting career in 1996 after receiving a beginner's art kit as a 26th birthday present. Entirely self -taught, his first "traditional" painting... |
Howard Kirk grew up surfing in Huntington Beach, California. Howard and his friends traveled up and down the coast in search of the perfect wave to ride. "From Santa Cruz to Baja… |
Self-effacing and humble, Wade Koniakowsky creates evocative, atmospheric art that could only be informed by a surfer’s perspective. His work transports the viewer to dreamlike… |
Now in his late seventies, Bob Phillips has an offbeat background in a field where offbeat background is the norm. A Purple Heart veteran from the Korean War, former pro baseball player… |
Kevin’s work is found more often in museums around the world, than in surf shops. This modern impressionist /expressionist grew up... |
Surfing wasn't just a sport to Pat. It was his way of life, his poetry, his Zen, his muse. He fashioned his own big-wave guns and rode the deepwater mysto breaks of Mainland Mexico… |
Waveriders Gallery is seeking new painters (or at least new to us) to exhibit on our website. If you are interested, please drop us a line at [email protected]. |