Waves, wavescapes, and waveriding conjured up in oil, acrylic, and watercolor by our artists, who all happen to surf themselves. |
Shot from the beach, the water, and above, these powerful images capture waves, and the delicate dance between wave and rider. |
From the "authorized" biography of Miki Dora to the seminal photographs of Don James to surf movie posters, the essential waveriding booklist. |
The surf poster is a cultural icon, papering walls of surfers and non-surfers alike from Manhattan to San Francisco and all points between. |
Time has only burnished these images of a bygone day when the idea that you could build a lifestyle around surfing was just in its glorious birth. |
Danny Hess’ lovingly shaped foils are functional art that surf as well as they show, while Malcolm Wilson tracks the evolution of boards en miniature. |